We have added two volunteers to the site - Heather and Tiffany! Thanks for your dedication to the site, ladies! We appreciate your help!

We are happy to announce that we have brought linkys back to the tours. Instead of posting your links to your reviews in the comments, please use the linky for the specific tour (when available). We are in the process of adding these to all tours (except closed ones), so if there isn't a linky, then please do use the comments to link your review. Thanks!

Monday, July 26, 2010

A Quick Update

Hi everyone!  Thank you so much to everyone who has donated books and signed up to participate in our book tours!  I just wanted to give you all some updates.

1.  We are now only accepting upcoming releases or books released within the last 1-2 months.  If there is an older book that we think may be of interest to people, we may post that as well, but most books will be current or future releases.

2. A lot of the same people are signing up for the same tours, so if you end up with 2 or more books at once, I sincerely apologize.  I am trying to avoid that wherever possible, but sometimes I just can't.  Please don't fret, though.  If you have more than one tour book and you think you will need additional time to read them, just drop us an email.  We are definitely willing to work with you to make sure you get to read the book and aren't stressed out about your time limit!

3. Although this tour site if for adult fiction/non-fiction/memoir books, an occasional YA book may make its way into the list.  It depends on what the publishers are asking us to promote at any given time.

4. If you need to be taken off or want to be added to any of the tours, leave a comment on the book's post.

5. Please make sure to leave a comment when you receive a book!  I hate having to nag people and pester you, but if I don't know if the book made it to someone, I have to try and find out what happened to it.

6. Lori and I have just decided to give the site a unique and original makeover, courtesy of Adori Graphics, so stay tuned for that in the next month or so!  We are super excited!

7. I am going to create a form for book donations so it is easier for us to keep track of them.  It will be under the menu "Donate a Book."

8. You only need to fill out the Blogger signup form ONCE - unless you move!  If you change your address, please resubmit the form!

9.  This tour site is for BOOK BLOGGERS only!  If you do not have a book blog, then you cannot participate in our tours.  Sorry!  If you have been book blogging for 3 months or less, we can add you to tours, but more than likely you will be placed last in the queue.  We are all about building trust, but we don't want anyone running away with our precious books!

That's it for now!  Happy Reading!
Jen and Lori


Erika Powell said...

can't wait for the new layout, you guys do a great job with the site!

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Joining a tour? Please make sure you completed the Blogger Signup form and read all the rules!