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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

January Tour: The Magic Room by Jeffrey Zaslow

The Magic Room by Jeffrey Zaslow
Publication Date: January 2012
Publisher: Gotham
“I wanted to write a book about the love we all wish for our daughters. I needed a place to set the book – a place with great emotion – and I considered all sorts of possibilities.” – Jeffrey Zaslow, on writing The Magic Room

Up a short flight of stairs, inside a former bank in a small rural town 100 miles northwest of Detroit – there is a room. It is a special place, rich in history, and 100,000 brides-to-be from across the Midwest have made pilgrimages to find it. Just 10 foot by 8 foot, it has floor-to-ceiling mirrors on every wall, carrying the brides’ images to infinity. It is called the “Magic Room,” and for good reason.

The town is Fowler, Michigan, a middle-class community with 1,100 residents – and 2,500 wedding dresses. The building is Becker’s Bridal, home to each of those dresses, a figurative blizzard of white. In THE MAGIC ROOM: A Story About The Love We Wish For Our Daughters (Gotham, On-Sale January 2, 2012; $27) Jeffrey Zaslow takes readers to this remarkable small-town bridal shop to explore the hopes and dreams that parents have for their daughters. He weaves this true story using a reporter’s research and a father’s heart. Jeff came to Fowler not just to write about wedding gowns and what they represent. He came to understand the women wearing them, their fears and yearnings, and through them, he tells a larger story about the love between parents and daughters today.

In THE MAGIC ROOM Jeff examines women on the brink of commitment, whose stories, secrets and memories will pull you in from the moment they first see their reflection in this iconic room.

Run by four generations of Becker women since 1934, Becker’s has witnessed transformations in how America views the institution of marriage; some of the shop’s clientele are becoming stepmothers, some are older brides, some are pregnant. In THE MAGIC ROOM, you’ll also meet the owner of Becker’s Bridal, Shelley, and learn the ups and downs of her life. She has a special affection for all the brides who enter the “Magic Room,” hoping their journeys will be easier than hers.

Among the visitors to Becker’s is Megan, a woman whose middle name honors the sister she never met – a sibling who died in an accident before Megan was born. Now an accident of her own has left Megan’s wedding in jeopardy. Bride-to-be Julie stands on the “Magic Room” pedestal for the second time. It is a moment of joy and tears – for though she is happy to love again, the memory of her late first husband lives on within the two daughters who accompanied her to Becker’s. Erika, meanwhile, has come to the shop with her three sisters. All of them had vowed to save themselves -- and even their first kisses -- until they found their husbands-to-be.

THE MAGIC ROOM illuminates the most poignant aspects of a woman’s journey to the altar. The stories here are more than mere tales of brides-to-be – they’re illustrations of the ways in which all parents wish their daughters will go through life safe, happy and surrounded by love. The “Magic Room” offers visceral reminders of the challenges young women face, of the ways in which sadness is so often intertwined with joy, and of the sweet possibilities that await them – or that may be beyond their grasp.

The lessons Zaslow shares from within the “Magic Room” are at times joyful, and at times heart-breaking. And each bride who passes through Becker’s Bridal has a story to tell – one that carried her there, to that dress, that room, that moment.

Be sure to check out Jeffrey Zaslow online at, and The Magic Room at for more information.

  • Tour Dates:  January 16 - January 30 (2012) 
  • Tour signups will close on December 7
  • This book will be available in PRINT (10 copies) and EBOOK (25 copies) formats.  Ebook copies are available through Netgalley. 
  • To sign-up - please leave a comment with your name, e-mail address, blog name, format preference, and the date you would like to post your review (check calendar below - first come, first-serve.  If a date is already taken, you must pick a different date.  Please click the arrow to move over to the correct month as it is set to the current month automatically).  
  • This tour is open to USA/CANADA bloggers for the print copy.  If you can participate in Netgalley, you are welcome to join the tour if you are outside the USA.  Of course, USA/CANADA bloggers may select the Netgalley copy as well.  I will give preference to international bloggers first for the ebook copies since we have limited tours these bloggers can participate in.

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.


Kritters Ramblings said...

Kristin Durham -
Kritters Ramblings
January 17th review

The Many Thoughts of a Reader said...

Emily, pinkflipflops44 @ gmail dot com
The Many Thoughts of A Reader
January 30th review

Unknown said...

Donna Brown,
Book Bags and Cat Naps
Netgalley (UK)
16th January review


Unknown said...

Jasmine Ko, thebookishmama at gmail dot com
the bookish mama
Tues. January 24th

Thank you!

A Cozy Reader's Corner said...

VERY intriguing.... Print Please! acozyreaderscorner AT gmail DOT com Blog is A Cozy Reader's Corner Reviews. I would like to post Jan 25th. I am flexible on the date.


BrendaC said...

Brenda/WV Stitcher
Print Please
Jan.27th for review

christa @ mental foodie said...

Hope it's not too late:

name, Christa

e-mail address, cytljjb @ gmail com

blog name, christa @ mental foodie

format preference, print please

the date: Sunday 1/29

Jilleen said...

I am so sorry, that I am a day late, but would love to be part of this review. I grew up in the town next to Fowler! It would be so cool to read this book.

Jill at Seaside Book Nook
seasidebooknook {at} yahoo {dot} com

Jilleen said...

P.S. Date doesn't matter, but preference would be 28th. Eprint would be fine through Kindle or print.

BrendaC said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BrendaC said...

My review for "The Magic Room" is posted at WV Stitcher

Jilleen said...

Here is my review link! I really enjoyed it.

Thanks Jill

christa @ mental foodie said...

I am so sorry I totally forgot the blog tour (blaming it on pregnancy forgetfulness and fatigue!! This was the first time I'd forgotten a blog tour :( But I just found out Jeff Zaslow had passed away a few days ago :( And did a post about it instead... will review this as soon as I could!

christa @ mental foodie said...

Finally... my review:

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