Lone Wolf
by Jodi Picoult
Publication Date: March 2012
Atria Books
(from the author's website)
Edward Warren, 23, has been living in Thailand for five years, a prodigal son who left his family after an irreparable fight with his father, Luke. But he gets a frantic phone call: His dad lies comatose in a NH hospital, gravely injured in the same accident that has also injured his younger sister Cara.
Cara, 17, stll holds a grudge against her brother, since his departure led to her parents’ divorce. In the aftermath, she’s lived with her father – an animal conservationist who became famous after living with a wild wolf pack in the Canadian wild. It is impossible for her to reconcile the still, broken man in the hospital bed with her vibrant, dynamic father.
With Luke’s chances for recovery dwindling, Cara wants to wait for a miracle. But Edward wants to terminate life support and donate his father’s organs. Is he motivated by altruism, or revenge? And to what lengths will his sister go to stop him from making an irrevocable decision?
LONE WOLF looks at the intersection between medical science and moral choices. If we can keep people who have no hope for recovery alive artificially, should they also be allowed to die artificially? Does the potential to save someone else’s life with a donated organ balance the act of hastening another’s death? And finally, when a father’s life hangs in the balance, which sibling should get to decide his fate?
- Tour Dates: March 1 - 14, 2012
- Tour signups will close on December 15
- This book will be available in PRINT format only (10 copies).
- To sign-up - please leave a comment with your name, e-mail address, blog name, and the date you would like to post your review (check calendar below - first come, first-serve. Please click the arrow to move over to the correct month as it is set to the current month automatically).
- This tour is open to USA bloggers only.
- There are only 10 copies of this book available so please only sign-up if you can commit to touring in March. Books will not be shipped until February, so there may not be much time to read and review the book.
- If more than 10 bloggers sign-up, we will randomly draw names to select who participates. You should still select a date for your review (even if it's already taken). We can adjust later as needed.
Available Dates:
March -
1 - Lisa - Casual Reader's Blog
2 - Andrea - So Many Books, So Little Time
5 - JHS - Colloquium
6 - Kristin - Kritter's Ramblings
7 - Jasmine - Bookish Mama
8 - Tiffany - A Cozy Reader's Corner
9 - Cheryl - Sherri's Reading Jubilee
10 - Heather - Proud Book Nerd
13 - Karen - Practical Frugality
14 - Lisa - Books In The Burbs
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I would love to review this one!!
amber_johnson2004 at yahoo dot com
I could post my review on March 16th.
March 6th
I love Jodi Picoult...I would like to review this one.
March 12th...please
I must read this book. My first choice date is Monday, March 5, 2012. I litigate the biggest case, aside from Terri Schindler-Schiavo's, on this topic to date. More information about Robert Wendland can be found at http://www.robertslegacy.com.
jhsmail at comcast dot net
I would love to review this book!
Sherri at http://sherrisreadingjubilee.blogspot.com
I would love to review it on March 9th. Thanks!!
Tiffany at A Cozy Readers Corner Reviews
www.acozyreaderscorner.com. Acozyreaderscorner AR gmail DOT com March 8 print please
This sounds great. I could take March 1st.
A Casual Reader's Blog
lhoffpauir at gmail
Any date!
Reflections with Coffee
Bmcbroom at gmail.com
My book club always talks about Picoult's books
I'd LOVE to read this book!
Laurie Carlson
laurieisreading at gmail dot com
Laurie Here Reading and Writing Reviews
Post Date: Tuesday, March 13th, 2012, please.
Jasmine Ko
the bookish mama
March 7th
Thebookishmama at gmail dot com
Laura Cline
March 14th
hawthornescarelt at gmail dot com
Please, please, please! She is one of my favorites!
Tracee Gleichner
Any date is fine.
tgleichner at gmail dot com
I would love to be part of the tour. Any date works for me
Jill at
Seasidebooknook (At) yahoo (com)
Glenda Cates
any date is fine
ooh! My fav author!
So Many Books, So Little Time
any date is fine!
Jodi Picoult? Oh my gosh!
Anagha @ BookSpark: http://book-spark.blogspot.com/
Any date! :)
I would like to be part of this tour.
oodlesofbooks [at]yahoo[dot]com
Any date
I'd love to be part of this tour, too. I'll take whatever day you give me.
proudbooknerd at gmail dot com
Lisa @Books in the Burbs
March 6
Ravishing Reads
I will review any date.
I'd love this one! I can do any of the dates, I'll pick the 13th, but any date is fine.
kpuleski at gmail dot com
Oooooooh I love her books!!!!
thelibrarian (at) thinkingcatblog (dot) com
I'm fine with absolutely any date
Shondra Brown
Give Me Today
March 13
Still waiting to hear about this tour . . .
If anyone is interested in sharing their book, I would be more than happy to pay for shipping. I am so bummed I wasn't one of the lucky "ten."
Here is the link to my review
Thanks for including me in this tour!
Here is the link to my review -
Thank you!
Here is my review:
Here is the link to my review:
My review will appear tomorrow morning:
Mine is live at http://practicalfrugality.blogspot.com/2012/03/lone-wolf-by-jodi-picoult.html.
Great book, thanks!
thank-you for allowing me to participate in this tour blog! I really enjoyed this book and hope you enjoy the review :D http://booksintheburbs.com/2012/03/14/crazy-book-tours-virtual-blog-tour-review-lone-wolf-by-jodi-picoult/
I can do any date in March but for now I will select March 11. Athena
The Stuff of Success
thestuffofsuccess at gmail dot com
I loved the concept of this book and couldn't wait to read it. Jodi really let readers down. I usually enjoy her books but this one complete let down. Not only was it boring it also was predictable.
Marlene Detierro (Andean, Inc.)
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Joining a tour? Please make sure you completed the Blogger Signup form and read all the rules!